Quarter Sink Mixer | Astra

R 1,449.99

EmmerSan Astra quarter turn sink mixer with swivel pipe spout wall type

This unit comes with a 10 year warranty on the body and 1 year on the cartridge

Quarter turn 1 (one) tap hole sink mixer with a swivel pipe spout. This unit is to be fitted onto the wall. Comes with 375mm long flexible hose's with 15mm (half inch) water connection.

EmmerSan's Astra range gives the user quick response to hot or cold water with its unique quarter turn function. A simple clock or anti-clock turn gives you instant water.

NB: It is important to note that this mixer only works on a high pressure balanced water system. This mixer will work on a pressure rating of 200KPA and up. If this mixer is installed on a water system with a pressure rating lower than 200KPA, it will not function correctly.

Flow rate

Flow rate: 33.19 ℓ/min* at 3bar